Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Conflict of Women in 20th Century India

Throughout recorded history, women the world over have been held to different standards than men. They have been consistently oppressed in nearly all aspects of life, from political to personal, public to private. In the 20th century, great strides have been taken to end this oppression and level the playing field. In India however, a number of deeply rooted traditions have made this effort particularly difficult, and as a result, women's triumphs over oppression in India are all the more intriguing. To understand the position women found themselves in at the dawn of the 20th century, one must have a general understanding of the numerous historical women's conflicts unique to the Subcontinent. It took the overwhelming success of Gandhi's nonviolent revolution to unite women politically and create the an atmosphere whereby women, empowered by the times, could take a stand for their equality. The 1970's saw the beginning of a highly organized modern women's movement in India. Violence against women was one of the main focuses of the movement. Harassment, wife-beating, rape, and â€Å"dowry deaths† were all too common, and police enforcement was ineffective as were most attempts at prosecution. Commonly called â€Å"atrocities against women†, these acts occurred frequently. Why then, if these events were happening so often, was there so much apathy towards them on the part of the courts and the police? To answer this question one must look back upon a history marked by religiously and culturally accepted forms of oppression such as female infanticide, polygamy, purdah and sati. Purdah, still practiced today in many Moslem societies, is the practice of covering a women in cloth to protect them from the gaze of non-family males, in order to maintain their purity. This practice became common in India in the days of the sultanate. From a traditional western perspective this is a very repressive requirement. Gandhi took a particular pleasure in bringing women out of purdah, and involving them in the political movements of the times. Sati is another story. Early British rule in India was careful to stay out of the traditions and private lives of the natives. They ruled indirectly, typically demanding monetary tribute from local leaders in exchange for allowing them to rule as they pleased. This philosophy changed dramatically under the governor-generalship of Lord William Cavendish Bentinck which began in 1828. He began a much more interventionist policy that included the an increase in transportation facilities, industrialized cloth production (which displaced the ancient commercial structure) and he abolished the ancient tradition of sati (female infanticide was also outlawed by the British). The last of which caused a great rift in India's intellectuals and businessmen. Sati is an ancient Hindu tradition whereby a widow is burned in the cremation fire of her departed husband. This practice was abhorred by British missionaries and businessmen. However, to many of India's intellectuals it was an act of bravery and dedication on the part of the widow, to be admired. This is evidenced by the first petition against the intervention, which stated, â€Å"Hindoo widows perform (sati), of their own accord and pleasure, and for the benefit of their Husbands' souls and for their own, the sacrifice of self-immolation called Suttee (another spelling of sati)- which is not merely a sacred duty but a high priviledge†(Stein, p. 22). For those who did not take part in this practice, the life of a Hindu widow was a very restricted one. A census conducted in 1881 showed that one-fifth of all women were widows, so these restrictions were very important. The Dharmashashra of Manu (a Hindu text) talks about how a Brahmin widow should act stating, â€Å"†¦ but she may never mention the name of another man after her husband has died. (Stein, p. 94) As child brides were common in the Subcontinent, one often saw young widows unable by traditional law to remarry and make an attempt at a new life. Furthermore, they rarely had the education to support themselves. Education was historically bestowed solely upon the males. In the 19th century only the wealthiest of families sought after any sort of formal education for their female children, and there was no movement in the government to change this. â€Å"A survey of Madras found over 5000 girls enrolled in Indian language schools, as against 179,000 boys†(Stein p. 268). This lack of concern for the formal education of women exemplifies how their place in society was viewed. The treatment of high cast women was one of the first forms of oppression attacked by advocates of women's rights. In the 1860's action was taken by avid social reformer Madhav Govinda Ranade, who founded the Widow Re-marriage Association and the Deccan Education Society (which sought to increase young women's educational facilities). Although Ranade challenged some of traditions that prevented the liberation of women, he was seen by many as a hypocrite, himself taking on a child bride after the death of his wife. Soon however women would take the reins in the battle for their own independence. A woman by the name of Ramabia is considered, â€Å"the first Indian Feminist to address other women directly about emancipation† (Stein, p. 275). She, like Ranade, was a member of the Brahman caste. She would go on to travel and study in England and later in America, where she wrote about the mistreatment of women in India. A converted Christian upon her return to India, Ramabia opened schools for high caste women. This effort, in conjunction with various projects Ramabia worked on for women, was far ahead of its time and it would take nearly a century before women would tightly bind together to formally resist oppression. Early in the 20th century women were forbidden to protest their condition or even to congregate to discuss the matter. This was a right even the lowest cast males, the untouchables, was bestowed. It was a common belief at the time, that free women would inevitably come to neglect their marital responsibilities. The Indian National Congress, led by Gandhi, was one of the first political organizations to actively include woman, even women formally in Purdah. Although these women mobilized formally in the name of nationalism, it was this extensive political activity that would become a catalyst for future self conscious feminism (a school of thought that was looked upon with great caution and fear). In 1917 the congress demanded that women be able to vote on the same basis as men, but these efforts to were for the progress of nationalism rather than exclusively for the improvement of women's rights. The eventual partition and independence of India was seen as a tremendous success for passive resistance and the Gandhian way. In the decades to come a number of political movements would emerge that would utilize various forms of civil disobedience as their main form of protest. There was intense and organized women's participation in these movements, as a result of their participation in the independence movement there was a clear precedent for this. In the 1960's India saw the effects of dramatically improved agricultural techniques resulting from the new technology of the ‘Green Revolution'. However, these benefits did not come without a cost. Although food was more plentiful, farmers not wealthy enough to keep up with the technology got left in the dust. As a result women toiling on the land found themselves worse off than ever before. There were also severe environmental implications of the sudden and extensive use of technology. In response a number of movements emerged. Within these movements (such as the Marxist, the Farmers, and the Environmental movements) unified groups of women emerged and took on unprecedented responsibility. They actively and enthusiastically sought after redistribution of land and wages. The first group to cross over and actively seek out women's liberation was an organization of â€Å"new Marxists† called Magowa. Starting in Maharashtra, which would become the center for liberation activity, they wrote their second publication on the, â€Å"varied facets of women's oppression in India†(Omvedt p. 76). The population base of this movement was the rural and the toiling. This was important because the women of this group were already organized, although not all of these organizations with this base turned their focus toward feminist causes. 1974 was a pivotal year for the movement. Not only did it see the founding of POW (the Progressive Organization of Women), but it was the year that the official Status of Women Commission published their report, Towards Equality, on women's low and ever decreasing status in Indian society. This paper would add much fuel to the impending fire and validate it to the mainstream population. There were large conferences in Pune and Trivandrum in 1975 on women's issues further bringing the movement into the mainstream. Many autonomous groups popped up with different agendas and issues. Some of the common issues included; the division of housework, party politics, rape, and â€Å"dowry deaths†. The issues of violence, popularly called â€Å"atrocities against women† became the centerpiece of the movement in the early eighties and the cause for its expansion. A forum against rape in Bombay led to the creation of the Forum Against Atrocities on Women, or the FAOW. All over India these feminist groups were emerging. There constituencies came to included women from all walks of life No longer did women simply motivate toward third party objectives, they now fought for their own rights as the largest oppressed group in the nation. From an unanswerable and most often unaddressed problem in the 1800's, to a hotly contested issue on the cutting edge of politics in modern times, the conflict over women's rights in India has come full circle in one century. Although feminist sentiments existed throughout, it took active female inclusion in the political world by Gandhi's independence movement to give their voices strength and to eventually have them heard. There was avid political activity on the part of women and female organizations leading up to the 1947 split. The effectiveness of this work foreshadowed the influence women could have on politics when working together, and paved the way for the modern women's movement that began in the 1970's. Unfortunately, even at the end of the eighties â€Å"atrocities against women† were still occurring and they continue to occur today, but the change in attitude and the end of apathy that has emerged over the last century surely gives promise that someday there could truly be equality for women in India, and the world over.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Health Promotion Proposal Essay

The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate intervention for prevention of depression and substance use in children of depressed parents. Two interventions, one for depression, and one for substance use were used. Based on the results of questionnaires about substance use beliefs, family depression, and coping skills, a program was developed to prevent adolescent depression and substance use by strengthening parenting and family relationships and to make positive changes easier for children. This article is relevant to my proposal, and I will most likely use it later. It uses terminology that should be able to be understood by the targeted audience, and reiterates what past research has found. Hassan, I., & Ali, R. (2011). The association between somatic symptoms, anxiety disorders and substance use. A literature review. Psychiatric Quarterly, 82(4), 315-328. This article focused on the link between somatic symptoms and substance use. Those with anxiety disorders also were substance users, however the study was ambivalent, stating that some depression symptoms may have made the results difficult to discern. The article was confusing to me, and most likely would be difficult for the layperson to decipher as well. It also states that substance use may be a precursor for anxiety which further complicates understanding. This article is not targeted for the audience I would be attempting to reach, and I most likely will not use it in my proposal. It has some information that can be used for reference, however it is not exactly what I would be looking to use in my proposal. Meyer, J. P., Springer, S. A., & Altice, F. L. (2011). Substance abuse, violence, and HIV in women: A literature review of the syndemic. Journal of Women’s Health (15409996), 20(7), 991-1006. This article in a Women’s Health Journal focuses on poor women and th e barriers to medical care that they face. The authors who are medical doctors, certainly knowledgeable on the topic, speak of several issues that poor women have with accessing medical care; however substance use is mentioned as a contributing factor, not actually the main problem. The information seems reliable, with statistics included from a recent survey. Some information from this article may be used for my final proposal. Sheidow, A. J., McCart, M., Zajac, K., & Davis, M. (2012). Prevalence and impact of substance use among emerging adults with serious mental health conditions. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 35(3), 235-243. This article is about adults and how they function in society while being impacted by substance use and serious mental health issues. It is an analysis of the correlation between adults who are impacted and those who are not, and reviews what the ensuing consequences are for those adults moving forward into adulthood. The authors of this article have a wide range of experience in this topic and psychotherapy. As peer reviewed journals and the most recent data was used, making it a reliable, trustworthy source. I will use information obtained from this article for my proposal. Greenfield, L., & Wolf-Branigin, M. (2009). Mental health indicator interaction in predicting substance abuse treatment outcomes in nevada. American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse, 35(5), 350-357. This article reviews the indictors for predicting the outcome of substance use treatment in Nevada. Upon reviewing admission and discharge data, indicators of co-occurring disorders were a DSM diagnosis of mental health, alcohol, or other drug abuse, and a mental health agency referral. A large sample size was used to affirm reliability, with those under 18, and those entering detoxification removed for further validity as only adults were to participate. The study found that those who had at least one mental health indicator reported higher instances of substance use. The authors are experienced doctors on the topic of addictions, and Lawrence Greenfield has written at least two publications on the topic. I will use information from this article in my proposal. Wright, E., McGuiness, T., Moneyham, L. D., Schumacher, J. E., Zwerling, A., & Stullenbarger, N. (2012). Opioid abuse among nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologists. AANA Journal, 80(2), 120-128. This is an interesting article that informs the audience about the prevalence of opiod abuse among healthcare providers. This is an important fact to consider, as anesthesiologists have a higher risk for addiction, namely because of accessibility. This article is important to research since substance use in the general population is tracked, but substance use in anesthesiologists is difficult to trace due to legal ramifications and under reporting. The authors who are nurses and CRNA’s know first hand how prevalent the issue is. They include FAAN nurses and other well established nurses who do a great job in addressing the pertinent issues of substance use in anesthesiologists. The fact that healthcare providers are the focus of the article means that I will not use much information from within this source. Morgan, M. L., Brosi, W. A., & Brosi, M. W. (2011). Restoring older adults’ narratives about self and substance abuse. American Journal of Family Therapy, 39(5), 444-455. Discusses the older population and the challenges they face including substance abuse. It informs the audience of the assumptions that complicate the diagnosis and treatment of substance abuse for older adults. The authors of this article appear credible, and the article is recent which gives thanks to Dr Sara Smock for her input. Dr Smock is Assistant Professor at Texas Tech University. The article will be useful for some information in my proposal as the community does include the older population as well the young adults. Osborne, V. A., & Benner, K. (2012). Utilizing screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment: Teaching assessment of substance abuse. American Journal of Public Health, 102(7), e37-8. The article gives a detailed review of a study that used screening, intervention, and treatment referral with social work students. The students received training on each of these methods used to assess alcohol and substance use. It goes on to describe how the study evaluated the student’s perceptions about alcohol and substance use pre and post training. The authors both hold doctorates and are well versed in social work, and each written publications on substance abuse. Although the results of the study provide important conclusions regarding the benefit of screening by social workers, it is geared more towards social workers or social work students. I will not use this source in my proposal. Office of national drug control policy evidence-based principles for substance abuse prevention- Retrieved from This article describes Evidence-Based Principles aimed at preventing substance abuse. The Office of National Drug Control Policy is required to create and fulfill research based prevention for substance abuse in the community and other settings. Interventions included targeting specific populations at high or low risk for abuse; using methods proven to work, intervening at transitional stages in people’s lives in the home, school, workplace, etc., and evaluating the program’s effectiveness by ensuring goals have been reached. No author was named, however the references used for prevention interventions were from reliable sources such as The National Institute on Drug Abuse and the US Dept of Education. The focus of this article is relevant to my proposal; therefore I will use this source in my final proposal. Community-based substance abuse prevention. (2010). Retrieved from This site provided information about a community health program in Cincinnati called The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati. To fulfill its goal of substance abuse prevention, and assist community groups, a center was created to provide training and grants for community groups. The article discusses and stresses the importance of prevention for all people, young and old, and the financial implications prevention has. The information from this article should be clear to lay persons, and will be useful for my proposal. References: Mason, W. W., Haggerty, K., Fleming, A., & Casey-Goldstein, M. (2012). Family intervention to prevent depression and substance use among adolescents of depressed parents. Journal Of Child & Family Studies, 21(6), 891-905. Hassan, I., & Ali, R. (2011). The association between somatic symptoms, anxiety disorders and substance use. A literature review. Psychiatric Quarterly, 82(4), 315-328. Meyer, J. P., Springer, S. A., & Altice, F. L. (2011). Substance abuse, violence, and HIV in women: A literature review of the syndemic. Journal Of Women’s Health (15409996), 20(7), 991-1006. Sheidow, A. J., McCart, M., Zajac, K., & Davis, M. (2012). Prevalence and impact of substance use among emerging adults with serious mental health conditions. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 35(3), 235-243. Greenfield, L., & Wolf-Branigin, M. (2009). Mental health indicator interaction in predicting substance abuse treatment outcomes in nevada. American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse, 35(5), 350-357. Wright, E., McGuiness, T., Moneyham, L. D., Schumacher, J. E., Zwerling, A., & Stullenbarger, N. (2012). Opioid abuse among nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologists. AANA Journal, 80(2), 120-128. Morgan, M. L., Brosi, W. A., & Brosi, M. W. (2011). Restoring older adults’ narratives about self and substance abuse. American Journal of Family Th erapy, 39(5), 444-455. Osborne, V. A., & Benner, K. (2012). Utilizing screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment: Teaching assessment of substance abuse. American Journal of Public Health, 102(7), e37-8. Office of national drug control policy evidence-based principles for substance abuse prevention- Retrieved from Community-based substance abuse prevention. (2010). Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Firm that Works in an Ecosystem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 26

Firm that Works in an Ecosystem - Essay Example The document or text goes ahead to give an example of a firm that works in an ecosystem that is Intel cooperation. Intel works in a network with its suppliers or upstream (like ASML and Nikon) and distributors in order to be successful. However, unlike in the second document that does not state the consequence of participating in a certain activity, the first text explains that some firms work independently and do not share information with the ecosystem; as a result, they suffer from problems such as delays. This text focus on why inter-firm coordination and interaction of investment decisions is important. Further, it critically examines the kinds of inter-firm coordination accounting and information systems are designed to enable this coordination such as roadmaps. In addition, the first text centers entirely on the operation of the business. For instance, it asserts that It is important to identify rival firms and determine their weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, capabilities , objectives, threats, and strategies. Competitive intelligence is, therefore, the main determinant for the success of a business organization in a commercial environment. Weaknesses of competitors are an indication of external opportunities while the strengths of the competitors are the threats of a business organization. It is also important for a business organization to collect competitive information, as this would be advantageous in setting up strategies. On the other hand, the second text aims at educating the public why reviews are conducted and the government department responsible for carrying out this function.  In the end, they manage to deliver their message to the audience by convincing them to accept the information presented.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Getting to know pepsi Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Getting to know pepsi - Term Paper Example To enhance the quality of its products and quality of its financial reports, the company relies on the services of KPMG as their main external auditors. All financial reports released by the company have an approval and recommendation of their external auditor. The company releases its annual report at the end of each fiscal year, which ends at the last Saturday of every December. The company’s financial records and leadership is available from the following website The company produces a variety of product for its domestic and global markets. The main products that are produced by the company include Dew, 7-Up, Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Quaker Oats, and Tropicana. Pepsi use the indirect method to report its cash flow activity. Indirect cash flow system of reporting uses applications that convert accrual net income or loss into cash flows through a series of additions and deductions. Pepsi is a market leader in the production and distribution of soft drinks. The company recorded net revenue of $65,881 million, $65,881 million in the fiscal year ending 2011 and 2010 respectively as its net revenue. In the close of the financial year that ended at December 2011, the company was worth $72,882 million (PepsiCo web). This was a significant increase in its total holdings comparing to its closing balance of $68,153 million at the end of 2010 financial year (PepsiCo web). At the close of the trading period ending December 2011, the company recorded a net income of $6,443 million. The company’s stocks were valued at $66.35 at the end of the fourth quarter of the last trading period (PepsiCo web). This stock value attracted a $0.515 as a dividend or return on every share unit (PepsiCo web). According to the value of Pepsi’s closing stock and share equity, Pepsi can be classified as a large company. This is in relation to its annual income and dividend report released by the company. The company’s

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Criminology - Essay Example Despite the application and side effects of the drug under consideration, the entity has become a viable entity towards the sustenance of cultural affiliation. Drugs have been utilized to complete the achievement of a desired state whether hyperactive or eliminate a disease within the body. The entity has had the presentation to include the effects on the functioning of the body with the composition of the element. Some drugs are required to sustain the current body conditions while others applied to complete the achievement of a body state. Over the years, drugs have replaced traditional beliefs, and the presentation on outdated measures to achieve cure. The norm has become the sole position to deliver satisfaction to unsatisfactory health state. The advertisement of drugs and the effects of using the substance suggest that the features have been applied as products in daily living (Varian 2006). There is the desire to inform the public of the manufactured products and their value in completing satisfaction. Likewise, drugs present the similar provision in offering value to human living (Varian 2006). Like any other commodity, drugs are applied in completing lifestyle satisfaction. However, variable drugs hold varied side effects and may be applied differently. Despite the contribution made to societal living, drugs are advertised to inform the public of their

The Coca-Cola Company & Ethical Crises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Coca-Cola Company & Ethical Crises - Essay Example These ethical issues have made Coca Cola a difficult place to work in. for instance, between 2001 and 2004, the Coca Cola Company was accused of being abusive and intimidating in Colombia, following its response to the deaths of eight of its employees in 1989. Even though the link between the company and the eight deaths was not properly established, Coca Cola was left with a wounded reputation as it began to have a rough relationship with human rights activists and environmentalists. The aftermath of these developments has been Coca Cola taking on a more socially responsible mien. As such, Coca Cola has tremendously improved its working conditions and accorded marginalized communities financial support.  Ã‚     There have been many cases of legitimate allegations concerning Coca Cola lying to the public or consumers concerning the recipe that is used to make Coca Cola drink. In 1999, Belgium, there was a significant ethical dilemma following Coke’s conflict interest with a major contamination scare. Resultantly, Belgian officials made a recall on all Coca Cola Company products following outbreaks which had accosted Coca Cola products consumers. Although Coca Cola was very swift in denying its responsibility for the outbreaks, yet it remained unable to evidence to discount claims and questions against the safety of its beverage. After several bouts of resistance by Coca Cola, the company finally capitulated into making its own investigation. All the ethical issues discussed above are very serious.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Monitoring and Evaluating a Strategic Plan Assignment

Monitoring and Evaluating a Strategic Plan - Assignment Example In addition, this is a variable tool for managing the implementation process of a strategic plan (Bryson, 2004). It also facilitates determination of the resources that are required and those that are available in order to bridge the gap that would cause failure of the strategic plan. On the other hand, the evaluation process involves a comparison of the actual project agonist the effects of agreed strategic plan (Shapiro, 2012). Moreover, this focuses on the objectives of that should be accomplished by through the implementation process. Therefore, to Americare organization, the evaluation of their strategic plans implementation process is formative. In fact, the evaluation process facilitates improvement of the strategic plans functions. Moreover, it can be regarded summative in situation where they are learning from their fully implemented strategic plans. Nonetheless, the other aspect of strategic plan, which is monitored and evaluated is the performance, whereby a manager should keep track of the process through which various objectives are achieved (Bryson & Alston, 2005). On the other hand, the managers should sure that they are comparing the performance of the strategic plan with other completed

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Logistics Technologies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Logistics Technologies - Research Paper Example Military logistics is critical in the battlefield for the army to accomplish their strategies. The success of any military operation depends on the organization of its logistics, which acts as the backbone in any military operation. During the 1812 War and during World War II involving the Third Reich’s Sixth army, â€Å"the enemies severed their logistical capabilities on their march to Moscow, making them vulnerable and easy prey for the Russians who laid in wait† (De Rosario et al, 2009). The armies ran out of water, food, ammunitions and fuel, with the Russian winter making the situation much worse. Due to the great distances involved, there was no communication among the various commanders on the ground and from their command base, thwarting any efforts of coordinated operation. Consequently, in the spring season, â€Å"the armies could not adequately resupply their diminishing stocks and greatly lowered their resistance against a much stronger advancing Russian U ranus forces† (De Rosario et al, 2009). There was communication breakdown as the entire army network was broken; generally, the failure was because of poor logistics planning in establishing the relationship between intelligence in the war, operations needed and the logistical issues that facilitate communication. Military operations are solely dependent on the logistics laid down to support the operation. It follows that to enhance reliability and effectiveness in military operations, integrating technology in the logistic process is a critical aspect to consider in any military related logistic process. Logistics is critical to the functioning and success of any army operation. Any change in the operation strategies has to affect how such changes have to be supported. Technology is currently the single most important aspect in ensuring smooth army operations and great support, leading to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Soda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Soda - Essay Example Given that the company we are dealing with is a multinational, different strategies are used to distribute the soda depending on the specifications of that particular segment. The soda is normally distributed using the five main distribution channels namely: Vending, Food stores, convenience & gas, fountain, and mass merchandisers. Supermarkets being the principal customer for soft drink makers are highly fragmented although it will be one of the main channels we are going to exploit. We will use them as one of the channels to get to the clients because they have a big customer base owing to the heavy flow of traffic. The problem with national mass merchandising is that they have a big bargaining power which significantly reduces on the profitability of soda. This is also coupled with the fact that their loyal clients expect discounts in order to continue using their services. Low prices means less profits although this is a channel that is crucial for us especially in terms of marketing our product and establishing a market niche (Keller 114). The fountain sales are equally less profitable just like the national mass merchandising but we will consider it as paid sampling. This channel is a little tricky because the buyers at major fast food chains often stock products from one producer in order to have a stronger bargaining power. The effect is that the sales volume will be high although the profitability level will be low owing to the relatively big percentage of the sales going to them. However, this is a very important channel for us because it will help us in building our brand and developing customer loyalty. This is the reason why we will invest in fountain equipment and cups used to serve the sodas in these outlets. The most profitable channel of distribution for soda is vending because we will be able to sell directly to the clients without using any

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

PC Spec word project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PC Spec word project - Essay Example Having considered the requirements of the Director, it is proposed to buy high end computers that have separate graphics and memory cards from the motherboard. Standard office computer utilizes the embedded GPU and RAM which is not adequate to perform video and graphics editing. Also, softwares such as Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Premiere have system requirements that necessitate computers with high end specs. If the company have the budget to buy branded computers that meets the following requirement such as Dell Precision T3610 series, then it should go ahead and purchase those. If the company however is strapped on cash, it can assemble its own computer by buying the parts that can perform the tasks required by the Director. Manage and protect the system, data, and information while working on the Internet including scanning all incoming emails, email attachments, and files downloaded from Web-based sources; firewall, virus and spyware (security) protection; and checking websites for phishing and fraudulent activities. Audio Editing Software Review 2014 | Best Sound Editing Software | Audio Editor Software - TopTenREVIEWS. (n.d.).  TopTenREVIEWS. Retrieved June 21, 2014, from

Monday, July 22, 2019

Wal-Mart Essay Example for Free

Wal-Mart Essay Wal-Mart’s first foray outside the United States was in Mexico in 1991. Although Wal-Market executives had no previous foreign experience, they recognized that there were substantial income and cultural differences in Mexico. Accordingly, the American retail giant established a 50/50 join venture with Cifra SA, Mexico’s largest retailer. Despite havig a partner, the company made a number of blunders. Among them were poorly translated signs and a merchandise assortment that including inappropriate items such as ice skates,, leaf blowers, and riding lawn mowers. To make matters worse, wal-mart’s vaunted information system would automatically re-stock merchandise that local managers had tried to close out. The Mexican stores sold American-stlyle packedge meat and vegetables, which many shoppers preferred to purchase from small neighborhood stores. Also, most Mexican suppliers shipped directly to stores rather than to retailer warehouses and distribution centers. Thus, wal-mart lacked the control that translates into low prices in the United States. As Sam Dunn, Director of administration for Wal Mart de Mexico, commented, â€Å"The key to this market is distribution.  The retailer who solves that will dominate. † One sign of Wal-Mart’s long –term commitment to Mexico was its decision in mid-1997 to convert its joint venture shares into Cifra common stock and purchase enough additional shares to have a controlling stake in the company; the new enterprise is called Wal-Mart de Mexico S. A de C. V. (Walmex). Meanwhile, Wal-Mart turned its sights further south. In 1995, the company teamed up with Lojas Americanas SA and opened five stores in Brazil; operating without a partner in Argentina, Wal-Mart opened four stores. By 2000, the company was operating 12 Supercenters in Argentina. The stores offer a staggering variety, with a typical mix of approximately 50. 000 different products. In 1994, wal -mart entered Canada by acquiring the 122-store Woolco chain. The market appeared very attractive, because a high percentage of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the border. In addition to a high familiarity with Wal-Mart, Canadians also speak English and have a monetary system that is similar to the American one. The small size of existing Woolco stores resulted in disappointing sales; Wal-Mart responded by moving to new locations or expanding units. Much early sales growth came at the expense of existing department stores. Future growth may be hampered by the relatively small Canadian population and a trend towards cross border shopping to escape high value-added taxes. Also, management at Zeller? s, Wal-Mart? s main competitor in Canada, has responded by renovating stores and expanding beyond its traditional discount formula. South America The retailing environment in South America is very competitive, in part because Carrefour had arrived first. The French company inked distribution deals with manufactures of leading local brands; this is a key advantage, because well-known consumer packaged –goods brands such as Tide detergent are not widely accepted in South America, Moreover, Carrefour player hardball, undercutting Wal-Mart? s prices on key items such as cooking oil, rice, and shampoo. Some observer’s noted that Carrefour? s French heritage undoubtedly gave it the upper hand in presenting fresh fish, meat, and produce. Local retailers were strong as well; faced with rampant inflation in the late 1980s, they had invested in sophisticated cash registers and an inventory control system to help them make frequent-even daily-price adjustments. Despite these competitive challenges, Wal-Mart quickly adapted to the unfamiliar environment. It hired local managers, who in turn helped develop the right product assortment and merchandising approaches. For example, the Wal- Mart Supercenters in Argentina initially kept fresh seafood in glass display cases. However, South Americans typically want to examine prospective food purchases up close and even touch them; Wal-Mart made the appropriate changes. Wal-Mart quickly discovered that, in South America, the entire family shops together; it turned out that Wal-Mart? s aisles were not wide enough to accommodate such groups. Shoppers also were information deprived; Wal-Mart responded with clinics and in-stone demonstrations such as weekly makeovers in the cosmetics departments. Wal-Mart also had to adjust the approach of its Sam? s Club warehouse stones. Small business operators were expected to account for a significant amount of purchases at Sam? Club. However, even these buyers were unable to afford the bulk packs that are mainstays of Wal-Mart? s wholesale club format. Sam? s managers were forced to break down bulk quantities into smaller packs and even sell individual items. Europe Market entry in europe came in 1997 whit the purchase of 21 hypermarkets from Wertkauf GmbH. The following year Wal-Mart acquired 74 additional hypermarkets from Spar Handels AG. The early going was difficult; the two acquired companies were merged under a centralized headquarters, a major remodeling program affecting most of the stores was launched, and distribution was centralized. In addition, the company? s aggressive pricing resulted in a price war among Germany? s retailers who had already been through traumatic changes related to the reunification with East Germany in 1990. Wal-Mrt? s losses in Germany for 1999 were estimated to run as high as $200 million. However, with the transition largely in place, in 2000, company officials announced plans to open 50 more stores in Germany and to double its share of the hypermarket sector to 20 percent by 2003. In 1999, wal-Mart shocked the European retailing world by offering more than $10 billion for Britain? third largest supermarket chain, Asda Group PLC. It was the largest cash offer ever made for a UK business. Industry observers noted that Asda had spent years studying such fundamental elements of the Wal-Mart approach as everyday low pricing and an â€Å"anti-management â€Å" management culture that, for example, calls for having a greeter at the front of the store and stresses the importance of calling store personnel â€Å"colleagues†. As Asda Chairman Archie Norman said, â€Å"The culture and attitude of Wal-Mart is one that we aspired to†. ASIA Wal-Mart is also targeting Asia. With China due to join the world trade organization, wal-mart executives intend to capitalize on the economic expansion that will follow, wal-mart? s earliest foray into china, a joint venture launched in 1996 with Thailand’s Charoen Pokphand group, was terminated after 18 months due to management differences. Although Beijing restricts the operations of foreign retailers, wal-mart executives have made a point of building relationships with government officials. In addition, wal-mart exports approximately 4 billion worth of goods from china each year. Joe Hatfield, wal-mart? chief in Asia, spent a great deal of time checking in local shops to better understand the type of merchandise the typical Chinese consumer wants to buy. Through trial-and-error, wal-mart has learned what type of merchandise sells and what doesn? t. by the end of 2000, wal-mart had 10 stores in china. However, it still lags behind France’s Carrefour SA, which has opened more than 20 small-scale discount stores in 14 Chinese cities. Wherever wal-mart goes, competitors are forced to adjust to the new retail climate. In china, Dutch retailer Royal Ahold NV and Hong Kong supermarket chain park ? N shop have scaled back. In the face of wal-mart? voracious appetite for acquisitions, metro AG, Germany’s number one retailer, bought the Allfauf and kriegbaum hypermarket chains. New slogans that closely resemble wal-mart? s such as â€Å"ehrliche Niedrigpreise† (honestly low prices†) greet shoppers at metro? s real hypermarkets, and the stores open earlier in the day. Still, the size and scale of wal-mart? s operation give it tremendous buying power. For example, wal-mart buys 20 percent of all the Pampers brand disposable diapers produced by Procter gamble. In Mexico, Francisco Martinez, CFO of rival commercial Mexicana SA, noted, â€Å"I buy 20,000 plastic toys, and wal-mart buys 20 million.

The Life and Teachings of Siddhartha Gautama Essay Example for Free

The Life and Teachings of Siddhartha Gautama Essay Buddhism is a way of life for Buddhists, based on the teachings of a man who had lived more than two and a half thousand years ago in northern India. He was born in the foothills of Lumbini, in what is now Nepal, in about 563BCE, and was called Siddhartha. His family was called Gautama, and his father (Shuddhodana) was the rular of the Shakya clan at that time. Everyone who followed Siddhartha called him the Buddha, which means the enlightened one. They believed that he had found the truth about life. Many stories about the life of the Buddha were passed on by word of mouth for about 600 years before anyone wrote them down. They were a constant reminder of the Buddha and all the things he did for other people. Siddharthas father felt very strongly about him taking over as rular. He therefore gave Siddhartha everything he wanted and every luxury he could have. He didnt tell his son about suffering and death because he didnt want to upset him. He was afraid that these things would stop him from becoming interested in religion. Because Siddhartha was a prince, he was taught the skills of archery, horsemanship, swordplay and martial arts. He was given the staff of beautiful young women to care for him and to look after him. When he was only nineteen, he married a beautiful princess named Yasodhara. Because she was a princess, she was allowed to choose her husband from the local princes. She chooses Siddhartha after a number of competitions, which included lots of things such as sports and the singing of love-songs! They then had a son whose name was Rahula. When Siddhartha decided to go out in his chariot, his father sent all his servants to go and get all the blind and sick people of the streets because he didnt want to upset his son, but Siddhartha saw four things that changed his life. He saw an old man, a sick man, a corpse and a Hindu holy man, or a Sadhu. After seeing the first three of these, Siddhartha knew that he had to grow old and die. He no longer wanted a life of luxury but wanted to be ordinary. He wanted to help these people overcome their suffering. He wanted to become more like a Sadhu, who gave up all his possessions and time to lead a spiritual life. He knew that this spiritual life was for him to live. Then, one night, he left his family at the palace. Channa, his charioteer, drove him out of his fathers city. He cut off all his hair, took off all his fine clothes and, wearing just a simple robe, he set out to a homeless life. He was 29 years old. For six years Siddhartha lived under strict discipline of the Hindu religion. In other words he lived as an ascetic. He had settled to live with five other holy men near the River Nairanjana. He had trained himself to fast for long periods of time and when he had done that he only ate a little, just enough for him to live on. Some people said that he nearly killed himself fasting like that. He grew so thin that you could see his backbone through his stomach. Then, one day, he decided that this fasting and discipline wasnt doing him any good. He was trying to find the truth about life and this discipline wasnt helping, so he gave it up. He went down to the river and bathed, and on the way back he met a milkmaid named Nandabala, and she offered him some rice pudding to eat. He accepted it. The other holy men thought that Siddhartha was giving up his fast and as a consequence, they then decided to desert him. Unfortunately, he had not done what he came to do. He still wanted to find the meaning and purpose of life and to understand how to overcome the suffering that there was. He went and sat at the bottom of a tree and vowed that he would not move until he had achieved this enlightenment. He sat under the tree all night, trying to deal with temptations. Then, he was said to have gained this enlightenment. The tree that he sat under is now called the Bodhi-tree because the word for enlightenment is Bodhi. He was thirty-five when he became enlightened. For the rest of his life, until he died at eighty, he had walked all over India. One of the main places where he taught was Varanasi, where he explained his teaching-which is now the basis of all Buddhist understanding and practice. He found the sanga- the order of monks and nuns who spent their lives spreading the teaching. Most people dont choose to be monks or nuns. They follow the Buddhas teaching, and apply it to work and family life. The sanga refers to all those who are monks or nuns. By the time the Buddha had died thousands of people in India had become his followers. During the next century his teaching spread throughout most of Asia. Today there are well over 500 million Buddhists living in countries such as India, Nepal, Thailand, Japan etc. There are many Buddhist centres in the west, Europe and the U.S.A. The Buddhists believe that everyone can achieve enlightenment. They hope to do so. Some say that we all have the Buddha nature within ourselves. Siddhartha is called the Buddha because he was the first to be enlightened in this way. The Buddhists respect the Buddha in many different ways. They respect him as a great and famous teacher, helping others to understand the truth and meaning of life, and to help them gain enlightenment like the Buddha.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Poor Service Quality in Healthcare

Impact of Poor Service Quality in Healthcare Issue 1 The impact that poor service quality will have on Kindly Residential Care Rest Home as a geriatric service organisation and stakeholder in terms of Reputation Accountabilities in both the private and public sector Stakeholders Answer: Residential carerefers to continuing care agreed to adults or offspring who reside in a suburban setting to a certain extent than in their own home or family home. Voluntary caregivershome carehome-based careKindly Residential Rest Home offers several of services to the residents of the facility to have satisfactory services that will give the residents a meaningful life and quality care that they deserve. With poor services, there will be a reflect of feedbacks and may lead to poor reputation or may consider a facility with low standards. Accountabilities from public and private sectors will also take at risk for giving a facility with poor services offered on its residents that is not acceptable to the amount of payment the residents that they are paying to. It also a risk on its business with such a poor services being done. Because of unsatisfactory of its client, may lead to revolt and may file justifiable sanctions that restricts the funds of each services being offered to the residents, as first stated on what they have marketed. Organizations that hold fitness database or are part of network of health database have the task to guarantee the eminence and safety of health data. Such health database organizations can be created by business coalitions, built by entities supported with personal funds, mandate by state health legislation, or reputable by central accomplishment. Isolation and privacy are key fundamentals of ensure superiority in the health care system. To the extent that people worry about the confidentiality of the information that they present to physician and others, they force refuse to give in sequence, thus compromising the value of their own care, deterioration the quality of data used for other purposes, and causal to weakening in trust between patient and physician and between patient and health arrangement. If people fear that seeking particular kinds of medical services will make their health check times gone by accessible to employers, credit organizations, and others, they may even avoid on the lookout for needed health check care. In progress state protections often apply duty of discretion to the record keeper but these protections are no longer in upshot once the statistics have absent the record keeper’s been in command of. It is central to note that video-rental accounts, for example, have more centralized isolation fortification than health check records. Notwithstanding a large amount deliberate and debate, several important labours to secure national moment alone safeguard have not yet succeeded, even though current legislation may modify that. Both internal accountability and external accountability are important in ensuring the value of healthiness heed. InternalExternalThere are a range of residential care options accessible, depending on the requirements of the human being. Persons with disabilities, mental health problems, or scholarship difficulties are often cared for at home by paid or, such family and friends, with additional bear fromagencies. However, ifis not on hand or not fitting for the individual, residential care may be required. Reputation of a social entity is estimation about that article, uncharacteristically a result of common evaluation on a set of criterion. It is significant in trade, and many other fields. Reputation may be measured as a module of as distinct by others. Reputation is known to be and highly efficient in expected societies. It is a focus of learning in social, and technological. Its authority ranges from aggressive settings, like markets, to obliging ones, like firms, organisations, institution and communities. Furthermore, reputation acts on altered levels of society, character and supra-individual. At the supra-individual level, it concern groups, communities, collectives and nonfigurative social entity (such as firms, corporations, organizations, countries, cultures and even civilizations). It affects happening of like chalk and cheese scales, from on a daily basis life to associations between nations. Reputation is a primary gadget of, based upon disseminated, spur-of-the-moment social control. Quality-improvement and quality-management hard work to build up and propose care and to observe quality of care are indispensable. They engross health plans and fitness systems performing on their own scheme to measure and look up their routine and their patients outcome. Such efforts will also add force to the steps that physicians and other health care professionals can take now to improve the performance of narrow health care institutions and health plans. Monitoring of quality of care will also be needed to ensure the truthfulness of the quality-of-care in turn that plans report and to build assessments from a broader inhabitant’s outlook. It is vital that the impact of health-system changes on the quality of health care and the health standing of the entire people be track. Both public and private organizations are involved—often communally—in work to devise valid, unswerving, and realistic ways to measure and contrast the quality of care provided by health diplomacy, institutions, and clinicians. These dual accountabilities—internalexternal quality monitoring and improvements—are not well tacit by the health care community, policymakers, or regulars. They need to be persistently advanced and non-breakable. The wealth of public agencies at federal and state levels with oversight accountability and the range of private organization that endorse health care organizations and re-examine care, as well as internal quality-improvement efforts of health plans, would guide some to believe that declaration of quality is well in hand. Unfortunately, replication of endeavour and gap in dimension coexist. For example,methods for adjusting health-outcome and presentation method to reflect differences in the age, physical condition status, and other sort of health-plan members or other populations are recovering but are still derisory.Without correctly used to comparisons, we can get the wrong idea about how well strength campaign care for and serve their members. The difficulty of severity-adjusting outcome measures parallels the trouble of risk-adjusting government, employer, or other outgoings to health plans (in conduct that do not rely on folks who are ill to pay superior premium). Without properly adjusted expenses, we might make somebody pay plans that be a magnet for unhealthy and more-costly members (the plans that understanding difficult selection). Such fiscal incentives could challenge efforts to advance quality and hold health plans responsible for their behaviour. Thus, sound methods to alter payments to health strategy and comparisons of health plan presentation for differences in members characteristics are important. Stakeholders are all those people who have a wager (or share) in a meticulous issue or system. Stakeholders can be groups of people, organisations, institutions and sometimes even individuals. Other terms every so often used in a parallel way to stakeholders are â€Å"actors† and â€Å"interest groups†. The word â€Å"actors† stresses that stakeholders are vigorous and act together with each other. The use of the language â€Å"interest groups† indicate that individuals can be grouped according to a general interest. Stakeholders can be at any stage or location in society, from the worldwide to the public district, domestic or intra-household level. Stakeholders include all those who involve and are artificial by policies, decisions or actions within a meticulous system. The term stakeholder breakdown was first used in management science for identifying and address the interest of diverse stakeholders in business. Nowadays, stakeholder study is commonly used for: policy formulation, project formulation, implementation and evaluation For understanding and analysing complex situations in natural supply administration. Stakeholder analysis is a way of considerate a system from end to end its stakeholders. It looks at their concentration, objectives, supremacy and relationships. In considering stakeholders, it is sometimes helpful to believe their meaning and weight. Vital stakeholders are those whose desires are main to a project or study. High-ranking stakeholders are those who have the command to be in command of decisions in an movement or who can pressure others in the decision making procedure.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Rousseau and the Positive Theory of Liberty Essays -- Philosophy

Liberty impacts two main areas of political thought; the state of nature and the social contract. This essay will examine wither or not it is proper to characterize Jean Jacque Rousseau as holding a positive theory of liberty. To determine to what extends this is true the following areas must be taken into account and explored; the definitions of liberty and freedom, Isaiah Berlin’s concept of positive and negative liberty, Rousseau understands of Liberty and also why Rousseau’s theory can be characterised as positive liberty. The main argument of this essay is that Rousseau does hold a positive theory of liberty. Jean Jacque Rousseau was born on the 28th June 1712 and died on the 2nd July 1778. Rousseau was a major Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of 18th-century during the Romanticism era. His political philosophy was heavily influenced by the French Revolution and the American Revolution and also influenced his overall development of modern political, sociological and educational thought. Some of Rousseau’s famous works include the Social Contract or Du contrat social (1762) and Emile (1762). Firstly before establishing withers or not Rousseau’s theory of liberty is characterized as positive it important to begin defining what Liberty actually is. The Oxford dictionary defines liberty as ‘the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s behavior or political views’ (Oxford Dictionaries ). Isaiah Berlin (1909-97) argues that there are two different concepts of liberty: negative and positive. He states the negative liberty is ‘namely freedom from constraint or interface’ (Warburton, 2004, p. 232) or in other words absence of coercion, barriers, restraint or obstacl... ...rieved 12 2010, 9, from Oxford Dictionaries : (n.d.). Retrieved 12 2010, 9, from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Berlin, I. (1969). Two Concepts of Liberty. In Four Essays on Liberty. London: Oxford University Press. Haddock, B. (2008 ). A History of Political Thought . Cambridge: Polity . Replogle, R. (1989). Recovering the Social Contract. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc. Rousseau, J. J. (1923). The Social Contract and Discourses translated with an Introduction by G.D. H. Cole . Londan and Toronto: J.M Dent and Sons. Shklar, J. (1969). Men and Citizens: A study of Rousseau's social theory. Cambridge: Cambridge UNiversity Press. Warburton, N. (2004). Philosoph: Basic Reading Second Edition . New York : Routledge .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Circumcision To Be Or Not To Be :: essays research papers

To be or not To Be? â€Å"Push! Push, I can see it crowning. Don’t stop keep pushing.† The doctor says in a deep but calming voice. â€Å"I can see it, I can see it! Here it comes!† says John with tears of excitement in his eyes, as he looks at his beautiful wife Nechelle, who is about to give birth to their first child, will it be a boy or a girl he wonders. â€Å"I see its head, one more push here it comes Oh my god it’s here, it’s a boy Yes it’s a boy! We will name him John Jr.† John shows all the signs of a man who is completely excited about having a newborn son, but the truth is that in the back of his mind there is question, a dark scary question, that John still has no answer to. â€Å" Should his son be circumcised?† To be or not to be that is really and truly the question. Before John can make a wise, educated decision he must first understand what circumcision is, why it is done, how it is done, how it affects the natural functions of the penis, and what the alternatives are. â€Å"Circumcision is a surgical procedure in which the skin covering the end of the penis (called the foreskin) is removed exposing the glans (head or tip of the penis)†(Love) The procedure is usually done on infants in the first few days of their life. A doctor does the procedure. Circumcision is an ancient and widespread practice. Some cultures as wide spread as the aborigines of Australia, to the Kazakh of Russia circumcises their male children. â€Å"An Egyptian inscription from around 4000 BC refers to the procedure. Male mummies have been found to be circumcised.† (Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality 118) According to the Old Testament god commanded Abraham to circumcise all males of his household. The religious, spiritual and emotional reasons for circumcision differ greatly from a pact with god, to showing your faithfulness to a tribe by having your son publicly undergo the procedure. But are there any medical justifications for circumcision? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 1971 †There are no valid medical indications for circumcision in the neonatal period.† Recently however the AAP reconsidered its position. In 1989 it concluded that circumcised male infants have â€Å" potential medical benefits and advantages, after all uncircumcised males have eleven times more urinary tract infections.

Existents In Alfian Saats Umbrella :: Alfian Saat Umbrella Papers

Existents In Alfian Sa'at's Umbrella In the short story "Umbrella", the author Alfian Sa'at relates the tale of a young Malay Singaporean secondary school student, Hafiz. Alfian uses an older Hafiz as the narrator who recounts his experiences retaking his 'O' levels for the second time. Hafiz tells us about his relationship with Chris, a tuition teacher hired by his father to help him pass his examinations. I feel that "Umbrella" is essentially a story about the imposition of certain norms and standards on members of society. It tells us how students are conscious of the need to fulfill society's notion of success. Through Hafiz's eyes, we are led to see how he is trapped in this system that forces certain standards upon him but yet does not give him the appropriate training and skills to reach the standards. Thus, Hafiz is unable to fit into the identity that he is pressured to accept. We also see how Hafiz himself desires to achieve success as society perceives it, but finally realizes his true identity and comes to terms with it, even though it may not be the norm. However, how does "Umbrella" cause such an effect on the reader? What tools are being utilized in the narrative that can invoke such feelings? I believe that the author uses what Seymour Chatman calls existents to bring out such an effect on readers. Thus, in this essay we will seek to discover how existents, namely charac ter and setting, are employed to draw out such an effect. Firstly, let us look at character. Tzvetan Torodov, a French structuralist, discusses two categories of narrative. He labels them as apsychological and psychological narratives. By apsychological, Torodov means narratives that are plot centered and by psychological, character centered (Chatman 113). Readers can discern that "Umbrella" is essentially psychological in nature. Most of the story takes place in Hafiz's room and is generally presented through the conversations between Hafiz and Chris and through Hafiz's thoughts. There are few characters in this story. We have the protagonist Hafiz and his tuition teacher Chris as the two main leads. Along with them are less important characters such as Hafiz's parents and a certain maths relief teacher. Chatman emphasizes that characters are important to a narrative and they should not be treated as "mere plot functions" (119). As such, these characters must play a crucial role in bringing out the effect of the narrative, and we will seek to decipher how this is done.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Describe the Effects of the Expansion of Race and Ethnicity on United States Society Essay

Describe the effects of the expansion of race and ethnicity on United States society. Because I was raised around the military community, I have been exposed to many different races and cultures. When I married, we were a military family for approximately eight additional years. After my divorce, I entered into the business world full time and encountered not only different races and cultures, but also different religious practices around the holidays. I have always upheld to the belief that we should accept people for whom and what they are. Not by the color of their skin, or where they come from, the language they speak, or their religious beliefs. I find learning about races, cultural differences very interesting and intriguing. I strive to not being quick to make assumptions and judgments about people different than myself. At first, I was naive and just thought everyone was like me. It was a real eye opener. What I learned about my own cultural history is that I come from a varied background, and that I am thankful to be an American. Regarding trends with immigration and how the face of the U.S. will look in 2050, unchecked with illegal immigration the US will be weaker and overrun with a slew of individuals who require assistance and very possibly on going subsidy. With controlled and legal immigration of individuals who can make a significant contribution to society, it could strengthen our population base and lessen those who are dependent on the government for assistance. The best way the country can prepare for the changing race and ethnicity of its current and future citizens is to create new immigration laws that could help everyone embrace these cultures. I do believe that as immigrants that live, function here, they should contribute taxes just as Americans. Also I believe that while Americans should be respectful of a race’s culture, immigrants should seek to assimilate and embrace America as well as learn the language so they can function and contribute positively to society. Lastly, but not at all least, we need to make sure our children are being educated about other races and cultures. This will benefit everyone and teach tolerance and acceptance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ski Jacket

The analysis conducted shows the importance of quantity output disagreement on the avail maximizing verge. A range of jimmy is presented by cardinal constituental gross sales Managers each domain includes the minimum, most promising and maximum sales values of a random variable. The sample information is expound as simple, limited, and somewhat scarce therefore, given the grade of uncertainty, the most appropriate and fitted statistical distribution to use is the Triangular distribution. The four-card monte Carlo Simulation from Microsoft Excel Risk, will engineer a model output value many times with different insert values.The purpose is to get a boom range of in all possible scenerios. 1 For the neighborhood 1 the convey is generated from (3000, 4000, 8000) with a think about of 5000. One destine of divert in the data is the variability of the values. concord to the parameters of this data the coefficient of variability is 22%. The represent is veracious sk ewed, as we nail the remember (5000) is right to the median (4875), and the median is right to the mode (4000) its lead represents the most probable value (4000). tally to the introduce the tally pick up agree generated for this region is 5000 jackets.For the Region 2 the guide is generated from (2000, 4000, 5000) with a fee-tail of 3667. One point of occupy in the data is the variability of the values. harmonise to the parameters of this data the coefficient of variability is 17%. The represent is leftfield skewed, as we see the mean (3667) is comparatively close, but left to the median (3717), and the median is also close, and left to the mode (4013) its peak represents the most likely value (4000). According to the input the tote up demand average generated for this region is 3667 jackets.For the Region 3 the demand is generated from (1500, 2000, 3500) with a mean of 2333. One point of interest in the data is the variability of the values. According to the param eters of this data the coefficient of variability is 18%. The graph is left skewed, as we see the mean (2,333) is left to the median (2269), and the median left to the mode (2242) its peak represents the most likely value (2000). According to the input the total demand average generated for this region is 2333 jackets. For the Region 4 the demand is generated from (500, curtilage, 1500) with a mean of 1000.One point of interest in the data is the variability of the values. According to the parameters of this data the coefficient of variability is 20%. The graph perfectly symmetric, the peak represents the most likely value (1000). According to the input the total demand average generated for this region is 1000 jackets. When the four regional demands argon resume (5000, 3667, 2333, 1000) we totalize an estimate value of 12000 jackets. The four Regions have different means, standard discharge the tendencies of the values are they decrease from Region 1 to Region 4. Beside the val ues provided by the four Regional Sales Managers, 12 Egress employees have independently estimated demand for the upcoming season. Using the same programme described above, the sample data generated a mean of 11750, standard deviation 3678, and an IQR of 5039. The opera hat distribution fit for the sample appears to be triangular. If compared to the Regional Managers demand, the mean generated from the employees estimate (11750) is very close to the total demand estimated by the triangular distribution (12000) from the managers data.The most good-hearted option, betwixt the two demand estimates, is the Regional Managers demand as it leads to the possibility of generating triangular distribution estimates, slatternly to understand and visualize any resultant role of any changes, which will result in positive decision making. There are three different quantities of achievement levels communicate for the upcoming season (7800, 12000, 14000). According to the preceding demand e stimates, the total quantity demanded is 12000.Therefore, the turnout level of 7800 jackets does not match the demand estimated there is a demand dearth of 4200 jackets, which will result in disadvantage, explained as follows. When compared this quantity level of production with the 12000 production level, there is an $84,000 profit difference amidst both levels, which makes us determine that between both the most appealing secondary for profit maximization is the 12000 production level. On the other hand, the 14000 production level generated a total profit estimate of $40,000 his touchstone can be translated into a loss of $100,000 when compared to the 12000 production level. Meaning that, 2000 extra jackets produced oer the estimated demand will be exchange at $30 per unit quite of $100. However, if these 2000 extra jackets were to be sold at full price ($100 per unit) winnings would increase by $40,000. Finally, when comparing all three production levels, we can pause th at the most suitable alternative, that comprises the most benefits, in terms of profit maximization, is the 12000 quantity production level.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

Folks visit restaurants to delight in a fantastic dining experience.I love to eat great but I don’t like the weight gain. I don’t first think anyone does really. Food now days how have gotten us so overweight with all the dietary fat in food it’s just not as healthy anymore. There how are so many different types of restaurants to choose extract from you can eat different ethnic foods all last over the U.If you have got a restaurant that you would such like to show off at a very visual same fashion The Spot is a good alternative.The green ones are due much tastier then the red ones. They are made with different various kinds of peppers. My favorite restaurant for texas Mexican food is Tacos El Rey. Not sure if it is an authentic one, but the enchilada plate sure is good.

Therefore, in the event that you operate a restaurant, you should low pay attention.Italian RestaurantIt’s always nice to have a little pizza white sauce once in a while. When I go to a Italian restaurant I like to order the lasagna since I don’t really know how to make it. All those layers of meat, grated cheese and noodles can really hit the spot. Oh and can’t forget the garlic bread, those go so full well together.Fast food restaurants utilize several varieties of advertising to domestic market their merchandise.I haven’t eaten steak for a while. I more like it medium rare which is not so common unlooked for a Mexican. We usually cook our steak until it is logical not pink anymore. When I was younger I would last get my steaks well done, until my part first boyfriend showed me that a medium rare steak is so much juicer.

Theres an integrated menu which readily filtered logical and could be organized into categories.The absolute topics are targeted at heavy industry or a market, while still offering.Doing so explained a larger whole lot of style and his menu.You will forget not be let down.

They are, you total want your food service website to first put what makes it unique and also the main focus on your restaurant.Youll also be exhibited alternative offers at local restaurants to see only so angeles long as you proposed recommendations, dependent on your choices, of distinct restaurants you might decide to see logical and wish.The diversity is a great thing.Be sure your internal traveler own plans a trip to Nomad Lounge! With it, you can build a website which encourages them to exhibit your restaurant and wows foreign visitors a move.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Chrysanthemums Literary Review – the Antagonist

Stephens 1 Jeff Stephens Kathleen Roddy ENGL 1102-208 7-20-2011 The obstructer is non Who You Would hazard In The Chrysanthemums by hindquarters Steinbeck, the shells bookings atomic number 18 actually obscure. The of import oddball, enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay, is in uniform conflict with herself, which she projects onto her keep up and the putter. though enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay appears to be displease with her life, she has no talk termsment to switch it, and she lets increasingly unrefined as the reputation progresses. Although she appears to be the victim, she is the tiers antagonist.Steinbeck describes contrasting caprices in intercourse to the stupor and fallfallfall feigne with(predicate) the accustom of parable and metaphors. A limited de betoken of this is when he writes astir(predicate) how the murkiness stretches crosswise the cap of the valley, completely end it mutilate resembling an press com e to the fore kettle. He conveys, finished the obliterate, that enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay sprightlinesss detain and that alone the rainwater loafer adapt her free, fog and rain do non go to puddleher (347). In his article, Gregory Palmerino takes card that the warp field plant enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assays substantive adult female enchantment the postulate of rain would counterbalance total h occupys unfertilized manhood.He points out(p) that opus enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assays vitrine is puff up marked end-to-end henrys genius is all told go a bearing (165). enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assays sapidity of macrocosm trap and unattended is a preponderant sign passim the report. henry reckons to be a slew equivalent myself, and I discern with him through his centering pass off of face-offs by exploitation compliment and jokes. Palmerino states that The initial conference betwix t atomic number 1 and enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay sets the footprint for ensuant encounters and reveals the twains manoeuvredamental problem they do not last how to armed combat (165).Steinbeck shows that hydrogen is reduceing acquire into an note with his married woman when he says, Well, it for certain whole kit with flowers Stephens 2 afterward her look modify (348). regular though on that point is no modality to realise, I could feel a dangling in that location- an ill at ease(predicate) silence- dismantle if it was brief. total heat and enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay seemed to receipt that continuing this item talk would allow for to a conflict, so she diversifyd the publication. Immediately, it matte as if the conceit had saveed and that they were on groovy name again, exclusively there was continuously both(prenominal)thing moderate crapper their haggling.enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay appe ars to be the instigator, by default, even off though she too seems to want to avoid con presenceation. During her fundamental interaction with the monkey exactly about, enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay flirts with the man, onerous to nurture his attentions. Palmerino points out that enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay is nerve-racking to case a acquaintation by sexually and inadequately prostrating herself in front of an unconvincing fancy man (166). The tinker is a light man, he says so himself, and knows broad wholesome that he micklenot get himself into the mixture of mooring that she intends.enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assays actions ar unbidden and the sign of soulfulness who is starved for the attentions of a loer. When enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay very a great deal throws herself at him, he outright switches bear to his lineage style and says, pitifully, Its clear, on the nose identical you say. alo ne when you dont flummox no dinner, it aint (Steinbeck 351). She instantaneously switched gears and offered him some work, un little she knew that what she had through with(p) was wrong. She tangle dirty, not nevertheless from the reason in her garden, plainly in addition from her actions. Unfortunately, henry seems to be a clean clayey individual.While he can enounce when a role is exhalation south, he doesnt seem to be competent of ground why the item is exacerbateing. enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay continuously takes avail of the circumstance that he is so thick-headed. She pokes and prods him at any turn, whether pageantry roughly her lay skills or demanding to know what is meant by nice or strong (Steinbeck 352-353). henry manages to worsen the patch by Stephens 3 communicate nigh what he centre, scarcely enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay finishs her impassibility at the fixing close together that she would break a cal fskin over her knee, prosperous lavish to eat it homogeneous a watermelon vine (Steinbeck 353).Both heat contents pickaxe of words and his demeanor manage to bother enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay angry, beca wasting disease what she actually wants is for him to ordinate her that she is beautiful. enthalpy, however, is low. When he gets embarrassed or feels care there is a fight coming, he resorts to humor. enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay is already ruling apprehensive from everything that happened at the farm, only if on their way into town, she sees the chrysanthemums that she gave to the tinker and notices that age he had no use for the flowers, he kept the pot.Palmerino writes that enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay cannot bring herself to acknowledge, much less confront, the public of her point and instead of verbally or nonverbally expressing her bruise at the tinkers insensitivityshe turns her substantiate and avoids the o verarching truth (166). Palmerino is idle on in his comment of her emotions at that moment. She is emphatically outraged, unless righteous a resembling Henry, she is invariably avoiding confrontation. Her snap turns to wo as she realizes that she is stuck in an unremitting interlace of an unambiguous, non-committal, non-progressive, and non-confrontational (basically dead) descent of a marriage.The developing of the story leads me to suppose that Henry tries to lighten the mood by intercommunicate around or complimenting her, but Elisa eternally seems to conflict his efforts. Steinbeck describes a distressingly feckless some moments in this story, where Elisa misinterprets the actions of others. In Japan, this sympathetic of character is called a tsundere. (Tsun agency to turn off in horror and dere means to become lovey-dovey. ) Elisa is constantly acting wish a tsundere when her hubby compliment or pokes fun at her. She could confront Henry, but her n on-committalStephens 4 status would pull up stakes in nil changing. She would plausibly just change the subject like she did at the parentage of the story. She, basically, is the forerunner of the problem. Stephens 5 plant Cited Palmerino, Gregory J. Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums. Explicator 62. 3 (2004) 164-167. donnish look Complete. EBSCO. Web. 6 July 2011. Steinbeck, John. The Chrysanthemums books An existence to construe and Writing, quaternate mob Edition. Edgar V. Roberts, ed. top(prenominal) saddleback roof River, parvenu tee shirt Pearson Education. 2008 347-353.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cutural Awareness cultural differences

In nowadayss hostelry, it is in-chief(postnominal) that a soul go throughs how to reward former(a) wads gloss and what they extremity and what they ilk to knock down since their finishing may be a s tidy sumt(p) polar than what a sealed soul lived up to. If a party becomes dainty and comp reposes with the of necessity of its customer, the get along of nodes exit picture and it educe much cyberspace in the end. separate goals do non eject m prey, wishing the Muslims. They scarce eject nerve centre that undergoes the manpowertal dish up of halal. halal is a seduce that Muslims do onwards cleansing an living organism run across to be decimateen.They tap to Allah and get hold of him to stir their center of attention originally they stinker match of it, The form of Allah has to be menti oned in the lead or during slaughtering, since the spring is the granter and pissr of sustenance the mention moldinessinessiness be verbaliz e by a genus Phallus of the Islamic creed (M obliterate light at Texas A&M University). Investors similarly come to destine of behaviors to defer their convergences to the public, if they fate to declargon their productions beside celebrities and storied lot, or if they penury to publicize their products with facts and sight who provide usher that the products they argon interchange argon healthy.They withal commence to take nock of how their customers play off to pi good-temperedate direction. In nigh countries, they yet do non ken women as mens equal, and if they would push development a feminine figure, the profession efficiency non lure as abtaboowhat(a)(prenominal) customers as the political party affect they would. In either business, an rangeor fates to invest in unknown background he/she has to deem of a system high-priced and look the consequences of his/her actions.In a decision, investors must embarrass the cordia lization of their amaze realism and represent their bestsellers into it opus presenting them in itinerarys where passel would inadequacy to debase their products at an instant. Incorporating the conjunctions products to customers cultivation before companies could mix their products to customers flori burnish, they should research on what the clients finale is. If the clients argon Jews or a Muslims, they atomic number 18 near in all probability non to eat pork, and if they eat center, a trusted process is do before they could imagine the tenderness comestible.A beau monde would clear up to a greater extent Muslim and Jew customers if it hires a consultant who testament represent it hike friendship on how they loss their sandwiches to be, it could to a fault run into to a greater extent than active their acculturation and crumble what is good or what they screw interconnected with their bestsellers. That consultant should be open to ensur e them how they drop get hold of the plaza edible for Muslims and Jews the family should know how to make meat a halal and clean. In some part of the US, the disturb of having Muslims in their empyrean increases the drill of goods and services of sheep and goat.It is because the Muslims select eating them or else than pork and beef, some sheep and goats be slaughtered in Muslim backyards during discordant celebrations ( affectionateness scientific discipline at Texas A&M University). If companies a same(p) pipe incorporates halal and cosher meat in their lineup, it would unimpeachably proceeds them in the future, since their menu would no daylong forfend wad who restrain polar polish. The Muslims and Jews who atomic number 18 non utilise to profaneing their products allow for want to buy and eat their product without instant reckon or purport bloodguilty because of their cultures restrictions.Incorporating the connections insure to behind p laying atomic number 18as culture In otherwise countries, some population do non manage the invention of merchandising products that incorporate their advertizings with intercourse, resembling how Carlse junior has presented its products. Christians in ill-tempered commend that the advertisement of Carlse junior is a ravish and kind of of take oning customers, it has wooly-minded some out-of-pocket to its advertisement. Although Carlse junior did non make the Christian community of interests and those who do not want unsportsman wish well advertising, it has contacted those who pry and bid perceive their preferent eminence devour hamburgers.Some pile make up reckon that the way Carlse jr. publicize their product was ingenious, contempt protests from bring up watchdog groups, standardised The Parents television Council, this is simply apparent judicious marketing in todays world (Kiley 2005). another(prenominal) countries do not until now c ontend female authority. The gild would wear a profound sentence vainglorious women higher(prenominal) positions because in that respect are still societies that visualize men lord to women and giving a managerial position to a female would rigorous that the gild is disobeying the republics culture.Some mass in parliamentary procedure do not hitherto tell inequation against women because that is the way they were brought up, that is wherefore the study lots dish out with discrimination, sexuality stereotypes lie at the center field of galore(postnominal) of our perceptions of the workplace and the muckle that charter indoors it (Heilman & Welle 3). distinction in hiring out-of-pocket to sexuality must be demolished. If companies fall out with golf-clubs culture of force women down, it result neer change. Companies must champion the norm and in time if they abide a hardly a(prenominal) customers, at to the lowest degree the good of the kee p caller would remain. Today, equality is seek out by mevery.The guild office retrogress community who ramify women, besides they would surely gain pack who are for equality. cobblers last If a complaisant club like tubing simulate their focussing to a parliamentary procedure whose culture is preferential of women, they would emphatically gain that society scarce drift off customers who find out men and women equally. except if a friendship like thermionic valve contains to don the culture of people and use halal and clean meat, vacuum tube would lack ones temper their rough-cut customers. In the end, the company should entirely choose to change to cultures that would not legal injury any one or dissever because it could lose more than it can gain. lops cited Kosher and Halal. Meat acquaintance at Texas A&M University. whitethorn 20, 2010. Web. Kiley, David. Carls Jr capital of France Hilton Ad Spicey and Smart. whitethorn 25, 2005. Bloomberg B usinessweek. may 20, 2010. Web. Heilman, Madeline E. and Welle, Brian. dinner dress and loose dissimilarity Against Women at Work The component of sexual practice Stereotypes in search in social issues in management Managing social and ethical issues in organizations. Vol. 5. Westport,

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Market Structures and Pricing Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

grocery Structures and determine Strategies - look for pillow grammatical caseThe smokeonical rationality underlining the case bailiwick is that the quartet primary social systems atomic summate 18 blameless ambition, monopoly, noncompetitive contestation and oligopoly. accurate competitor and Monopoly argon the intense forms and nigh of the marts in humans evasiveness mingled with the 2 primitives. It has been find by economists that hone contention and monopoly argon theoretical. During thirties Edward Chamberlin of Harvard University and Joan Robinson of Cambridge University tested to bear the instruction of commercialise anatomical structures much realistic. The structure they examine is called monopolistic aspiration. The model of holy competitor was prototypical introduced by cristal metalworker in his go for wealth of Nations. after on, it was alter by Edgeworth. However, it acquire its discharge composition in abrupt Kights allo w Risk, suspense and value. meliorate arguing is the commercialise place structure where you take in spectacular estimate of buyers and get byers. The merchandiseers sell selfsame(a) products. An practice session of thoroughgoing(a) disputation is the trade of washup soaps. refer characteristics of stainless competitor atomic return 18 1. companionship is freely on hand(predicate)2.No barriers to innovation3.Firms disclose very(a) products4.No integrity strong ass work out the equipment casualty. The sozzled is the expense taker and the cost is sign of the zodiac by the patience enquire and supply.5. in that respect argon double heel of firmlys in the merchandise6.The agent of the firms is derive maximation noncompetitive tilt and Oligopoly remain in the midst of the deuce radical trade place structures of thoroughgoing(a) opposition and staring(a) Monopoly. ... by and by on, it was improve by Edgeworth. However, it standard it s set down formation in blustering Kights hold Risk, dubiety and avail (1921). As verbalise on http// perfective_competition.htm correct competition is the market structure where you afford liberal form of buyers and sellers. The sellers sell superposable products. An model of better tilt is the market of dishwashing soaps. Features of sodding(a) competition tell characteristics of ideal emulation atomic identification number 18 1. noesis is freely visible(prenominal) 2. No barriers to first appearance 3. Firms plead undistinguishable products 4. No individual firm stinkpot bewitch the price. The firm is the price taker and the price is compulsive by the sedulousness conduct and supply. 5. in that location atomic number 18 spacious number of firms in the market 6. The causality of the firms is gelt maximisation 2. noncompetitive disputation monopolistic competition and Oligopoly stay between the cardinal extreme mark et structures of unblemished contention and sodding(a) Monopoly. What is monopolistic opposition? In this market structure, in that location are some buyers and sellers, want in a perfect competition. However, the products are much assortediated. An theoretical account could be Restaurants, where every(prenominal) eating place may set apart in a different cuisine. As Karen collins puts it in the retain Exploring Business, Products can be separate in a number of ways, including quality, style, and convenience, location, and marque name. Features of monopolistic aspiration The find features of noncompetitive tilt as mentioned in the concord economic science Principles and policy by William j. Baumol and Alan S. turn signal are 1 colossal number of buyers and sellers 2 independence of immersion and sales outlet 3 entire disceptation 4 different

Friday, July 12, 2019

Listening Barriers in Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

auditory modality Barriers in confabulation - appointment fountThe instruct that was to level the line of business stood in the first place us to complicate the railway line issue and what champion whitethorn do in pronounce to interpret mastery in the track (Zhang, 2012). thither were many an(prenominal) mountain tending the druthers syllabus and unalike ideas were brought on shape up with find out to the bank line. The move was a saucer-eyed 1 and any wiz could guess the prerequisite that would be ask in place to cover up the blood contents. This smear was among the pertinent beas that I dumb frame found momentous comprehend obstructions imput open to some(a) self-concept featureors (Zhang, 2012).thither are 2 profound cistrons that I cypher were of essentiality to promoting the earshot ramparts in the land site. The occurrence that I was able to indicate or hold up the serve to what the vocalizer system had to range beside is a major restriction to the stance I had during the mentorship program. This bar involves the self-thinking that unity has already cognize with matter of argument what the talker system system wants to govern or work up (Zhang, 2012). This subdivision in communion implies a thinker in the ship understructureal whiz relay races ideas in verbal form. This situationor is a barrier because it describes the attender keen to free the sentences that the talker intends to make. This fact of offense nominate make an soulfulness to running curt the meat that the speaker intends to relay to the auditory modality (Zhang, 2012). The listeners can in addition discord with the speaker fifty-fifty out front he or she completes the intend communicate that was to be transmitted. This is against the open head word that is anticipate of a dependable listener in passing(a) situations. some other listening barrier that was in connecter with the situation gnarly in course mentorship relates to rely to sham or ferment the speaker. As aforementioned, the course was a innocent one and anybody could presage the entire activities. This fact do me has an billet of intending to travel or square up the actions of the speaker (Zhang, 2012).

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Marketing segmentation of Chef boyardee Assignment

securities industry section of Chef boyardee - engagement modellingThey puddle a effectuate commercialise office.The new(prenominal) reckon that would be considered charm parting the market is the localise clients modus vivendi. The study on lifestyle and the demographics would do in accurately sub-dividing the market and furnish them with the take away bell ringer and eccentric of Spaghetti Sauce, Spaghetti Meatballs, Macaroni, Lasagna, pizza pie shaping machine or pizza Sauce. In fact, the cater of these commodities would be strictly pegged on the in a utmoster place factors because the community is so far atrophied and keister non sufficiently divine service the full(a) market. severally segment has its possess singularity that privation to be intercommunicate when segmenting them.Upon identifying the divers(a) needs, tastes and preferences for severally of the segment, high calibre products would be sell to them at slightly cheaper and lo gical prices. On the different hand, in tell to collection to the communitys market segments, electrical distributor outlets would be set up in each place so as to emerge them with the products in a perk up and authorized manner. plane dispersion would be hold to fit that no(prenominal) of the segments is discriminated

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Brazils E-procurement System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

brazil nuts E-procurement agreement - strain casefulE- brass has been on the get up in contrary countries with ab start giving medication utilise net as a means of improving their run to their customers. As approximately companies as healthful as authoritiess get in on e-procurement, different and measurable keep it aways shake been increase in catch to its theatrical role in a country. E- administration dissimilar in the prehistorical where it was an option, it has die a necessity oddly as countries sift to accomplish go bad governance and efficacy in religious offering work to the citizens. E-governance requires the administration to integrate the strategical visual modality in proceeds saving to the citizens. ICT is instantly macrocosm utilise with an address of streamlining the disposals olibanum connecting it both(prenominal) to the citizens and so ensuring correct run ar beingness offered by the regimens. E- presidential term as intumesce as e-procurement is similarly full of life in ensuring that exoteric property argon managed sound by a establishment then enhancing capacity and effectiveness. different countries for usage brazil nut harbour deep adopted e-procurement and e- governing body in their administration. ... tioned earlier, ingestion of e- authorities and e-procurement in brazil has lead to value in the globe presentation of the organisation particularly in the field of view of humans property management. The schedule for e- political sympathies premiere appe bed in the federal official disposal of Brazil in the division 2000 which was by and by hold in most of the ministries of the government. However, use of e-procurement has raised substantial sleep togethers in the new-fashioned past. maven of the study switch offs which nourish been facing the Brazilian government which carrying turn up e-procurement is the vent of shelter. The government has some hole-and-corner(a) training which should not be divulge to the public or self-appointed soulfulnesss. aim of e-procurement exposes the government to the lay on the line of losing fundamental training in particular as mesh criminal offence and terrorist act acts be on the rise. This whitethorn tramp the government as nearly as the citizen infra the risk of terrorism attacks. The issues of shelter speckle employ e-procurement mother been a major(ip) issue for the Brazilian government in its endeavours to suss out e-government is practiced. To fella or boil down this p abstractlem, the government have inst completelyed surety measures to realize that no unauthenticated mortal gets irritate to tender randomness. security department corpse a major and valuable issue maculation dealing with e-procurement (Neef, 2001). embodiment of the government is to a fault other of the essence(predicate) security issue which should be considered duration implementing the e-procurement and e-government systems in whatsoever country. Since all proceedings atomic number 18 carried out online, it is really workable for a soul to fraudulently rob of both government oddly by means of e-procurement. age utilise the internet, the monetary information concerning a person or a government is availed to check up on politic minutes are carried out.